Thursday, July 30, 2015

10 Hot Weather Tips for Your Dog

10 Hot Weather Tips for your Dog

Most people love to spend the warmer days enjoying the outdoors with friends and family, but it is important to remember that some activities can be dangerous for our pets. It is important to follow a few simple rules, to keep your pet safe while the family is having fun in the sun.

1. Visit your Veterinarian
Make sure your pets are tested for heartworm if they aren't on year-round preventive medication. Be sure to ask your vet to recommend a safe flea and tick control program.

2.  Made in the Shade
Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it's hot and change the water frequently to keep it fresh. Make sure they have a shady place to
get out of the sun and keep them indoors when it is extremely hot outdoors

3. Know the warning signs of heat stroke
Flat nosed pets, overweight pets, elderly and those with lung and heart issues should be kept in cool rooms as much as possible.

4. No Parking

NEVER leave your pet in a parked car. Better yet, leave the pets at home especially during the summer months

5. Swimming pools
Do not leave your dog unsupervised around pools or even ponds. Not all dogs are good swimmers. Some owners even put life vests on their dogs.

6. Screen Test
Keep all unscreened windows or doors in your home closed and make sure adjustable screens are tightly secured.

7. Summer Hair Style
Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog, but NEVER shave your dog. The layers of dogs' coats protect them from overheating and sunburn.

8. Street Issues
When the temperature is very high, don't let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Being so close the ground, your pooch's body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn.

9. Party Time
Remember that the food and drink offered to guests at a summer party may be poisonous to pets. Keep alcoholic beverages away from pets, as they can cause intoxication, depression and comas.

10. Celebration Time
Please leave pets at home when you celebrate with fireworks and never use fireworks around pets. Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns or trauma to curious pets, and even unused fireworks can be hazardous.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

14 Tips for Traveling With Your Dog

With the beginning of family vacations, it is time to once again remind our Bark Park members and friends to follow some simple guidelines when taking Fido along on a family vacation.  For many pet owners, they can’t even imagine leaving their canine buddy behind.  Below are 14 things to remember when traveling with the dog.

1. Bring food and water from home to avoid any digestive problems.

2. Pack all medications and supplements to avoid missed doses.

3. Carry an up to date shot record and a picture of your pet in the glove compartment at all times.

4. Attach current up to date name tags to your pet’s collar.  Make sure rabies tags are on the collar.
Make sure the collar is snug enough and the dog cannot back out of the collar.

5. Exercise your pet prior to departure. A tired pet is usually a better traveler.

6. Plan pet friendly places along the way for stopping, eating, overnights, dog parks, etc.  There are many free apps for your phone that will help you locate pet friendly establishments.  Here are some to look at

7. Be sure to pack a lead and place it on the dog before you open the door to let your dog out.

8. Pack toys and possible favorite chew toy.

9. Have a pet first aid kit handy at all times.  These can generally be purchased at local pet stores or you can make your own.  Here is a good start

10. Be sure to stop every two hours for exercise and potty breaks.  Carry poop bags.

11. Travel on an empty stomach to avoid car sickness.  Try to feed at least four hours prior to
departure to prevent car sickness.  

12. Restrain your pet with a harness, pet seat barrier, or a wire cage, to keep the dog safe in case of an accident.

13. Consider these additional items:

  • Dog Bed or blanket the pet uses
  • Terry towels and paper towels for possible clean-ups
  • Two leashes, a short one and a longer one. 

14. Location of a vet at your destination.

Vacationing with your dog may take a little extra work, but it can be a wonderful experience.  Have some tips to share?  We'd love to hear them.  Comment below!

Dock Diving Diva, Mandy and Sherry

Sherry and Mandy

Hi everyone. I am sure most of you know more about my dog Mandy “best dressed dog at CLBP” then you know me.

I have lived in the Springboro area all my life. I enjoy snowmobiling, quilting, and silk screening. I went to Vo-Tech for commercial arts and graphs during my high school days. My biggest project while there was creating a new logo for the Crawford County Humane Society, which included a new sign for in front of their shelter and their down town Thrift Store.

 I have always had animals in my life. I grew up with a mutt named Sebastian, a yellow lab named Bud, a pup we rescued in a blizzard named Stormy, and my current dog Mandy a boxer/lab mix. We’ve always had horses and at one time we had up to three horses at once, and too many barn cats to name.

Mandy, the best dressed dog at
the Conneaut Lake Bark Park
I showed horses in the local 4-H club. It wasn’t till I got Mandy that my eyes really opened to the world of dog sports. In 2010 my eyes opened up to the Therapy Dog Program. During a carting accident my horse fell on my mom and crushed her pelvis. She spent 2 months at Wesbury where Mandy went with me every time to see her. After what I saw with Mandy and my mom I decided to join Paws Hand Delivered and bring that joy to others as it did for my mom.

Then in the fall of 2010 they started doing dock diving demos at the Bark Park with hopes to have a full season of events in 2011. In the spring I signed Mandy up for a class and that was it, we were both hooked. In 2012, I took over the dock diving with what I was told “just for a while to help out.” Well, three years later and guess what, I am still running it. I love the sport and could not imagine my life without it. I even get to use my artsy side in making all the ribbons and trophy’s given away at each and every event. We are slowly making updates and improvements with the help of my mom Jan, “Mrs. Home Depot”. This year the dock has officially been named, "Mandy's Dock".

Mandy's Dock at the Conneaut Lake Bark Park

Cute Saint Bernard Puppy Chasing A GoPro!

Oh the cuteness ... and the slobber!

What's sure to make your workday better? An adorable St. Bernard pup chasing a GoPro.  This 10 week old baby made our hearts melt.  How about yours?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snow Days at the Conneuat Lake Bark Park

Callie loves the snow!  Even though it has been a long cold winter, our furry loves act like new snow is the best thing EVER.  Below is a video of one of our Dog House Kennel guests, Callie.

Post by Conneaut Lake Bark Park.

Winter photos from the Conneaut Lake Bark Park

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Health Benefits of Clean Teeth for Dogs

February is National Pet Dental Health Month, but good dental health for your pets should be a daily ritual for owners all year long.

The Facts About Gum Disease and Tooth Decay for Dogs

According to the AVMA , "more than 85% of dogs and cats that are at least 4 years old have a condition in which bacteria attack the soft gum tissue”. This condition is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the final stage in a process that begins with plaque, or a bacterial film on the surface of the teeth. In early stages, plaque can be easily dislodged when you brush your dog’s teeth or when he chews on hard toys or food. If the plaque is not removed the bacteria will attach to the teeth and become calcified through the calcium in your dog’s saliva. The hard surface becomes tartar and more plaque will accumulate. Once this stage of plaque has occurred, it will take a professional cleaning to get the tartar off the teeth and heal the gums. If the plaque is not removed, infection by the root of the tooth can occur. Progression could include the deterioration of the tissue surrounding the tooth, the erosion of the tooth socket, and a loose tooth.

Warning Signs

 The warning signs of gum disease include:

  •  bad breath, red and swollen gums
  •  yellow-brown crusts of tartar along the gum lines
  •  bleeding or pain when the gums or mouth are touched
 Pets with developing gingivitis and periodontal diseases often:

  •  paw at their face or mouth frequently
  •  have excessive drool
  •  may exhibit an unwillingness to eat harder foods.

See your Veterinarian

Because dental problems can affect other areas of your dog’s body, including the lungs, kidneys, and heart, it is essential that you care for your pet’s teeth right from the start of his life. Your veterinarian may recommend a professional teeth-cleaning for your dog or cat once a year or as needed. Performing a thorough oral exam requires the use of general anesthesia, so your vet will first give Fido or Fluffy a pre-anesthetic exam. Once the anesthesia is administered your pet’s vitals, including respiration, temperature and heart rate, will be monitored while the veterinarian takes dental radiographs and uses instruments to scale and polish your pet’s teeth, removing tartar and plaque build up that could otherwise lead to dental issues. In cases of serious oral disease, your veterinarian may recommend a tooth extraction.

The Positives of Good Canine Dental Health

Keeping on top of your pet’s dental health has lasting positive effects — some studies suggest that maintaining oral health can add up to five years to your pet’s life. February is National Pet Dental Health Month, so now is the perfect time to call your veterinarian and schedule a dental check up for your furry family member. While nothing can take the place of regular visits to the veterinarian for checkups and cleaning, ongoing follow-up oral care at home can include brushing your dog’s teeth. Be sure to check with your veterinarian for more information on what you can do to control the buildup of plague on your dog’s teeth.

Some good articles we found on:

Monday, January 5, 2015

7 Ways to Protect Your Dog in Cold Weather

Protecting Pets in Cold Weather

You step outside into freshly fallen snow and your dog starts going bananas.  Running in circles and having the time of her life.  Most dogs love snow and do very well in cold weather.  There are some things to keep in mind if you want to enjoy the winter wonderland with your furry love.  

Here are 7 tips for keeping your dog happy and healthy this winter.

 1. In extreme cold, short haired dogs and elderly dogs should wear a coat or sweater.

Most double coated dogs do not need any additional protection from the cold. If your dog appears to be cold or the temperatures are very low, limit outside time.

Here are a few DIY dog coat ideas we found on Pinterest

2. Remove snowballs in the pads of the feet.

The snowballs attach themselves between the toes and can cause cracking, bleeding and hair pulling. This is very uncomfortable for your pet and he will start licking the paws, which makes more snow and ice form. If you notice that your dog has developed the snowballs it's best to end your outdoor activity and head inside to remedy the problem.  Our Bark Park crew recommends using warm water to melt the snow.  

Here are a few other ideas:

3. Never leave your dog in a car during cold weather.

Your car will act like a refrigerator and your dog can die from hypothermia. 

Find out how to recognize hypothermia in dogs here:

4. Check ears, tail and feet for frostbite.

The clinical signs associated with frostbite include:
  • Discoloration of the affected area of skin - this discoloration is often pale, gray or bluish
  • Coldness and/or brittleness of the area when touched
  • Pain when you touch the body part(s)
  • Swelling of the affected area(s)
  • Blisters or skin ulcers
  • Areas of blackened or dead skin
As frostbitten tissues thaw, they may become red and very painful due to inflammation.
For more detailed information about frostbite and how to treat it visit:

5. Avoid contact with anti-freeze, which may be found on driveways, garage floors, etc.  

Anti-freeze is highly poisonous. 1-2 teaspoons can be lethal to a small animal. If the paws come in contact with anti-freeze, licking of paws with anti-freeze on them can cause kidney damage.

6. Rock salt can irritate footpads

Buy pet safe rock salt if it is used near dog areas. Some owners place boots on the dogs to avoid contact with rock salt used when walking outside. Be sure to rinse off the dog’s paws when coming inside to avoid problems with rock salt.

7. If your dog must stay outdoors 

  • Provide a good dog house, not too large, (stand, turn, lie down) preferably straw for bedding, 
  • Elevate the house off the ground.
  • Secure a flap across the opening
  • Provide water.  Electric water dishes are best so the contents do not freeze.
Please check your outside dog when the temperatures become extremely low.  A night or two in the basement or garage can't be that bad if it means saving your dog's life.