February is National Pet Dental Health Month, but good dental health for your pets should be a daily ritual for owners all
year long.
The Facts About Gum Disease and Tooth Decay for Dogs
According to the AVMA , "more than 85% of dogs and cats that are at least 4 years old have a condition in which
bacteria attack the soft gum tissue”. This condition is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the final stage in a
process that begins with plaque, or a bacterial film on the surface of the teeth. In early stages, plaque can be easily
dislodged when you brush your dog’s teeth or when he chews on hard toys or food. If the plaque is not removed the
bacteria will attach to the teeth and become calcified through the calcium in your dog’s saliva. The hard surface becomes
tartar and more plaque will accumulate. Once this stage of plaque has occurred, it will take a professional cleaning to get
the tartar off the teeth and heal the gums. If the plaque is not removed, infection by the root of the tooth can occur.
Progression could include the deterioration of the tissue surrounding the tooth, the erosion of the tooth socket, and a
loose tooth.
Warning Signs
The warning signs of gum disease include:
bad breath, red and swollen gums
yellow-brown crusts of tartar
along the gum lines
bleeding or pain when the gums or mouth are touched
Pets with developing gingivitis and
periodontal diseases often:
paw at their face or mouth frequently
have excessive drool
may exhibit an unwillingness
to eat harder foods.
See your Veterinarian
Because dental problems can affect other areas of your dog’s body, including the lungs, kidneys, and
heart, it is essential that you care for your pet’s teeth right from the start of his life.
Your veterinarian may recommend a professional teeth-cleaning for your dog or cat once a year or as needed. Performing
a thorough oral exam requires the use of general anesthesia, so your vet will first give Fido or Fluffy a pre-anesthetic exam.
Once the anesthesia is administered your pet’s vitals, including respiration,
temperature and heart rate, will be monitored while the veterinarian takes
dental radiographs and uses instruments to scale and polish your pet’s teeth,
removing tartar and plaque build up that could otherwise lead to dental
issues. In cases of serious oral disease, your veterinarian may recommend a
tooth extraction.
The Positives of Good Canine Dental Health
Keeping on top of your pet’s dental health has lasting
positive effects — some studies suggest that maintaining oral health can add
up to five years to your pet’s life.
February is National Pet Dental Health Month, so now is the perfect time to
call your veterinarian and schedule a dental check up for your furry family
member. While nothing can take the place of regular visits to the
veterinarian for checkups and cleaning, ongoing follow-up oral care at home
can include brushing your dog’s teeth. Be sure to check with your veterinarian for more information on what you can do to
control the buildup of plague on your dog’s teeth.
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