Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our Happy Dogs!

Hi there, Maria here.  I help out the Bark Park by posting to the page on Facebook and monitoring the Instagram hashtag #clbarkpark.  I also stop by on occasion to snap some photos when a play group gets together.  Here are some photos from May/June 


One Week Membership Free Offer!

Find out more about the Conneaut Lake Bark Park at our website!  http://www.conneautlakebarkpark.com
and Like us on Facebook!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Seminars: The All Natural Dog

April 2oth

"The All Natural Dog"Christine McCallum from Aivilas Dog Food will discuss the advantages and concerns surrounding all natural food for dogs. She will also provide details on how to evaluate dog food ingredients when purchasing food, treats or supplements for your dog.

Our seminars are held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Station 2 Fire Hall, Route 18N, Conneaut Lake. Seminar cost is $12.00 and includes coffee and doughnuts. Pre-registration is requested. You may call Sue Anderson at (814)382-2478 or send her an email at petcem23@windstream.net

The mission of the Bark Park is to promote responsible pet ownership while providing an opportunity for dog owners to be better informed on issues surrounding the health and welfare of their dog. Each winter the Bark Park provides Saturday seminars covering a variety of topics ot interest to pet owners.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Seminars: Yoga and Massage for Dogs

Okay so your dog will not be doing Yoga on their own.
Fun photo found on Pinterest. 

April 13, 2013

Yoga and Massage for Dogs: Carol Redlawsk will introduce the relaxing practice of pet massage. It is known to help pets with circulatory mobility, overall wellness and even behavioral issues. Puppies learn that all parts of their bodies are ok for touching. Older pets  benefit from the warm touch and increased muscle flexibility.
Doga is exercise with your dog. We will stretch our bodies and learn yoga postures that pets can do too. You do not have to be a YOGA MASTER TO BE A GREAT DOGA MASTER.

Bring your pet and a soft mat or blanket to sit on. All pets should be on a leash and under control.

Our seminars are held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Station 2 Fire Hall, Route 18N, Conneaut Lake. Seminar cost is $12.00 and includes coffee and doughnuts. Pre-registration is requested. You may call Sue Anderson at (814)382-2478 or send her an email at petcem23@windstream.net

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Seminars: Chiropractic Treatment and Physical Therapy for your Dog

  On March 23rd, the seminar will include Chiropractic Treatment for Dogs and Physical Therapy for your Canine Companion.  Both topics are alternative treatments for the traditional treatment most often used with our canine companions.  Edie Steider from Greener Pastures will conduct the first half of the seminar and will explain how rehabilitation, including laser therapy, can help both the arthritic dog and your athletic dog.  Dr. James Bertram from Saegertown will demonstrate the use of chiropractic methods to help relieve pain and discomfort for your dog. 
Our seminars are held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Station 2 Fire Hall, Route 18N, East Side, Conneaut Lake.  Seminar cost is $12.00 and includes coffee and doughnuts. Pre-registration is requested. You may call Sue Anderson at (814)382-2478 to register or to get additional information on the seminar.
The previously scheduled presentation on doggie yoga and doggie massage will be rescheduled at a later date.  Check our web site atwww.conneautlakebarkpark.com for updates on all seminars.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Therapy Dog and CGC Testing Feb. 23

Therapy Dog and CGC Testing

Become involved in the therapy dog program with your canine companion and experience one of the most rewarding volunteer programs in Crawford County. Testing for therapy Dogs Incorporated/Paws Hand Delivered will be held on Saturday, February 23rd beginning at 1:00 pm at Station 2, Route 18, East Side Conneaut Lake. Pre-registration is required. To sign up, contact: Katara Peters at (814) 763-5968, Robin Peterson, at (814) 425-7185, or Sue Anderson, at (814) 382-2478. For additional information on the testing process, check out the Therapy Dogs Incorporated web site at, www.therapydogs.com. AKC Canine Good Citizen Testing will also be held on the same day. Pre-registration is also required for this evaluation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bark Park Seminar: Dogs 101

The mission of the Bark Park is to promote responsible pet ownership while providing an opportunity for dog   owners to be better informed on issues surrounding the health and welfare of their dog. Each winter, the Bark Park provides Saturday seminars covering a variety of topics of interest to the pet owner. The first seminar is scheduled for February 23rd, and is entitled “Dogs 101.” The presenters will be Katara Peters along with Robin Peterson, and Cricket Dignall.

This is an opportunity to find out specific answers to many of the questions you have regarding the behavior of your dog. Topics covered will include: crate training; clicker training; shaping your dog’s behavior; socializing your dog; dealing with fear and aggression; and how to deal with a variety of other problems the pet owner will often encounter.

     Seminars are three hours in length, 9:00 to 12:00, and are held at Station 2 Fire Hall on Route 18, East Side of Conneaut Lake. The cost of each seminar is $12.00, and includes donuts and coffee. Pre-registration is required by calling Sue Anderson at (814)382-2478 or emailing her at:: petcem23@windstream.net.

    Additional seminars include: First Aid for Dogs, All Natural Food, treats and possible treatments, and  chiropractic/
massage and doggie yoga. Additional seminars are scheduled for March and April, and will be listed on the Bark Park
web site at: www.conneautlakebarkpark.com.